Your ERP system is at the heart of your business and nobody looks forward to a heart transplant. Yet, if the system is not supporting the needs of the business, limits your flexibility or inhibits customer service, a replacement is called for.
ERP system replacement is a major business decision, and a major commitment of time and resources, so there has to be good reason to even consider it.
Today’s ERP can be impressively comprehensive, but are designed to be flexible, scalable and adaptable as business needs change. The best of them include integrated Business Intelligence (BI) along with a full suite of applications designed for your specific industry. Also, they are familiar and easy to use. It is accessible anytime, anywhere, through any device with a browser.
1. gathering a team of your best people.
2. identify the problems you want to solve.
3. identify the benefits you want to receive.
4. determine your timeline
5. research information about solutions and providers.
Unfortunately, too many projects fail or fall short of their goals because the organization was not ready for the work required to implement a new system. Here are five steps to selecting and implementing an ERP System.
Get agreement across all affected areas of the company on the project goals and benefits
Establish an accurate budget (see “The hidden costs of ERP”)
Complete a cost justification analysis (return on investment or ROI study; see “ERP project justification”)
Identify the executive sponsor and assemble the project team (see “Building an ERP project team for success”)
Once you’ve identified a “short list” of potential ERP system suppliers or implementation partners, they may be able to help you with some of the above including costs and benefits, and implementation requirements. A knowledgeable professional can tell you about companies similar to yours and what their experience has been.
619 Main St
Vincennes, IN 47591