A Guide on Cloud Computing

security threats

Cloud computing refers to a technology that provides computing resources via the internet. The technology makes it possible for virtually anyone with an internet connection to take advantage of storage, processing, and software resources.

Cloud computing providers make use of three broad, often overlapping, implementation models. This article begins by looking at the various cloud computing models. Understanding these models is what makes it possible to define the different types of cloud computing in the next section of the article.

The main cloud computing implementation models are:

Infrastructure as a Service

IaaS is the appropriate acronym for this cloud computing implementation. IaaS providers essentially grant users access to servers and storage facilities on a pay-per-use basis. The implication is that a business need only pay for the services offered by IaaS providers for the duration that such services are needed. IaaS providers make it possible for small businesses to outsource IT needs entirely, from the handling of security threats to operating system requirements.

Platform as a Service

PaaS providers typically offer fully featured software development environments for the creation, testing, and management of a wide range of web and mobile applications. PaaS providers initially catered to an exclusive client base mainly made up of software developers. Currently, several PaaS providers are offering free software development services to large and medium business owners.

Software as a Service

SaaS providers offer users access to dedicated software applications in several fields relevant to small and medium businesses. SaaS providers offer applications dealing with data security management for business, customer service and escalation management, financial accounting, cybersecurity management, and many others.

Having looked at the different models of cloud computing, we’re ready to explore the three major types of cloud computing. Cloud computing service providers offer their services on three levels of the cloud. These levels are better known as the types of cloud computing. The three types of cloud computing are:

1. Public Cloud

A user primarily accesses a public cloud via a web browser installed on a personal computer, a smartphone, or other internet-enabled devices. To access these cloud services, you might be required to create a user account, or such services might also be used without a subscription. Public clouds allow several users to simultaneously make use of the services offered by a cloud computing service provider. Most cloud computing providers offer their services on public clouds.

An important fact about public clouds is that all the hardware and software infrastructure supporting the cloud services offered are owned by the cloud computing service provider. The third-party cloud computing service provider thus has the sole responsibility of handling all security threats to its cloud computing platform.

2. Private Cloud

Private clouds get their name from the fact that the services available on the cloud are offered exclusively to one user. The implication is that you have sole use of cloud computing services while accessing such services on a private cloud. Unlike public clouds where a third-party provider owns all cloud infrastructure, all the infrastructure supporting a private cloud is owned by the business or organization using the service.

As a business owner, you would, therefore, bear the burden of handling all external security threats to your cloud computing implementation. In addition to security, you are also tasked with the day-to-day running and scheduled maintenance of the system.

3. Hybrid Cloud

A hybrid cloud is one that cohesively merges both public and private cloud levels. The implication is there is shared-ownership of the infrastructure that supports a hybrid. The ownership of infrastructure is split between a business and a third party along the lines of software, hardware, and supporting infrastructure requirements of the system.

A hybrid cloud makes it possible to outsource resource-intensive aspects of cloud computing to a third-party provider. Such aspects would include the management of security threats, advanced analytics, enhanced business intelligence, and scheduled system updates.

Cloud computing can unlock a lot of opportunities for both small and big businesses. This is why, as you look to grow your organization or business, you should consider this option going forward.